Will speech discrimination be reduced in all elderly deaf people?

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Symptoms of deafness are easy to detect in life. Deafness will reduce the expressive ability of the elderly and may cause Alzheimer's disease. Everyone attaches different importance to the symptoms of deafness, so you should go to the hospital for treatment in the early stage of deafness symptoms

Will speech discrimination be reduced in all elderly deaf people?

Yes, if there is no intervention, it will lead to a decline in speech recognition, and there will be people who cannot hear the sound clearly and cannot distinguish the language. In this case, it is recommended to wear Hearing Aids to compensate for hearing loss and intervene in time.

The longer the hearing loss lasts, the auditory center’s memory of some words will become more and more blurred, and eventually there will be no memory at all. Untimely intervention will cause many problems. The understanding of words is weakened, even if you can hear the sound, you don't know what to say, and the speech resolution will become very poor.

In fact, the ears mainly play the role of collection, amplification, conduction, etc. In the end, whether you can distinguish various sounds and hear speech clearly, the brain plays a big role in processing auditory signals. . Therefore, poor hearing and poor distinguishing ability can certainly be considered to be "problems" with the brain. But the so-called "problem" obviously cannot be compared with brain tumors, brain inflammation, or mental retardation.

It does not mean that people will definitely become deaf as they age, but as age increases, the aging and degeneration of the auditory organs and systems will lead to sensorineural deafness, which is clinically progressive. Bilateral symmetrical hearing loss, accompanied by reduced speech recognition ability. The main cause of this type of presbycusis is the decrease in the number of outer hair cells at the base of the cochlea.

The longer the deafness lasts, the worse the ability to distinguish sounds will become. Many hearing aid wearers report that they can hear well face-to-face, but the main reason why they cannot hear clearly without looking at the mouth shape. In fact, it is because the hearing aid is not worn in time and the long-term dependence on mouth shape leads to weak auditory discrimination ability. The degree of dependence on the final incomprehension is related to the degree of hearing loss. Therefore, when you feel that your hearing has declined significantly, you should take measures such as wearing a hearing aid as much as possible to intervene.

Experts remind: Most elderly people’s hearing loss is a gradual process and will only be discovered by their family members after a long time. Therefore, middle-aged and elderly people need to strengthen their awareness of health care, reduce and avoid noise exposure, avoid the use of ototoxic drugs, avoid exposure to harmful chemicals such as heavy metals, etc., develop healthy living habits, reduce high-fat and high-sugar foods, and eat more fruits and vegetables. Strengthen physical exercise and engage in appropriate physical labor. In addition, family members should carefully observe the changes in the elderly's hearing behavior, seek medical treatment promptly, make a clear diagnosis, and wear hearing aids as early as possible to improve hearing and preserve residual hearing.

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