Will music prenatal care damage the fetus' ears?

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Many people often listen to music for their babies during prenatal education. Some people even put some headphones directly on their stomachs to listen to their babies. In fact, sometimes the choice of prenatal education or the rhythm of the prenatal education music is different from that of running. The impact on growth is very large. Sometimes, if the baby often listens to such music, it may cause the nervous system to be affected to a certain extent. If some simple light music is listened to for a short time each time, it may make the baby healthier. , but on the contrary, it may also cause hearing effects.

Will prenatal music damage the ears of the fetus?

At present, there are no strict standards for the efficacy and methods of music prenatal education in our country, although some studies have proved that music It has certain benefits in stimulating the development of the fetus, but the choice of music and volume during prenatal education is quite arbitrary. In addition, the brain and nerve development throughout the fetal period are very delicate. Therefore, expectant mothers should not be too blind during prenatal education.

Correct music prenatal education should be done after three months of pregnancy, in a large space environment, and not too close to the fetus. On the one hand, it can make the fetus feel the rhythm, and at the same time, pregnant women can also feel happy and relaxed. When choosing music, you should choose light music with a soft and soothing rhythm. Some symphonies with large rhythms, especially stimulating music such as rock music and disco music, are not suitable for pregnant women and fetuses. Some pregnant women directly place the speaker of the sound box on the abdominal wall, while the fetus is always floating and moving in the mother's body. If the fetus's ear canal happens to be close to the mother's abdominal wall at this time, sound waves enter the mother's body, and the fetus's ear canal is directly affected by high-frequency sounds. Stimulation can easily cause damage to the fetus's cochlea and auditory nerve, causing hearing impairment or even deafness.

The incidence of congenital deafness is relatively high in my country, about two per thousand. The reasons are half genetic and half caused by acquired environment, such as drugs, infections, toxic environmental pollution, etc. Among them, poor fetal education is also an important reason. If the baby's hearing can be screened through advanced otoacoustic emission within 3 to 7 days after birth, it will be avoided until the child reaches the age of two or three and cannot speak before realizing that there is a hearing problem, and the best treatment is often missed at this time. opportunity.

What kind of music is suitable for prenatal education

  During pregnancy, expectant mothers should try to avoid listening to too noisy music. They should choose music with a moderate or slower rhythm, and the volume should not be too loud when listening.

Because its rhythm is similar to the melody of the mother’s heartbeat, classical music has an inspiring and comforting effect on fetuses and newborns. Bach, Mozart, Weizuot, Schubert piano and Violin Quintet, these are all good choices.


1 When women listen to prenatal education music for their babies, it is best to use external speakers, and the speakers are The sound should not be too high. This can effectively prevent the baby from being deafened due to prenatal education. Women should not put some speakers or music directly on their belly when doing prenatal education.

2 During the process of prenatal education, you can listen to some music appropriately. It should not be too loud. It is best to place it one meter away from the pregnant woman. And the doctor should not be too high, but you are relatively quiet. Then, you can hear such music and avoid affecting the hearing of the fetus.

3 In fact, women use more methods for prenatal education. It is not necessarily just listening to music. You must have a good mood during the prenatal education. , in fact, women’s happy mood or rational laughter are very good for babies.

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